Family Law and Divorce Mediator
Divorce Mediation is an alternative to divorce litigation. Any couple considering a divorce or separation knows they face some of life’s most difficult and heart wrenching decisions. The choices they make during this divorce or separation process will impact where they live, their financial status, their children’s future and their own. Managing these issues effectively may require the guidance and support of a professional experienced in helping couples make important decisions, and who has the education and training to not only understand the complexity of each couple’s unique situation but the ability to examine and explain how their decisions will affect their own future and the future of their children.
Attorney Schutzbank is a certified divorce mediator and has years of education, training, and experience in divorce and family mediation.
Contact Us For a Confidential Consultation:
If you are interested in a divorce mediation process that enables you to resolve differences with your spouse contact a our law firm for a confidential consultation. We serve clients throughout Middlesex County, Essex County, Worcester County, and the Merrimack Valley region including Andover, Billerica, Burlington, Chelmsford, Dracut, Dunstable, Georgetown, Haverhill, Ipswitch, Lawrence, Lowell, Methuen, Middleton, Newburyport, North Andover, North Reading, Tewksbury, and Wilmington, Massachusetts.